
Pure reason.  Muse on that.  I think of the biggest and smallest explosions possible imploding inside of each other.  Language, perhaps the most powerful tool?  One of my favorites.  So many uses, and abuses.  You can create truths, nontruths, persuasions, manipulations, etc.  Really everything said may be apocryphal, unless you must take things so god damn seriously just to hold together the fabric of your reality.  Then maybe apocrypha.  Contradictions, contemplations, meditations, thinking outloud!, stream of consciousness (perhaps most unadulterated, wild, primordial). 

Be happy with your toil!  It must always come down to that.  But still question everything you know, as faith needs to be tested.  Such an elusive specimen it is.  Thought of as unwavering, sturdy and deathly serious, yet seems to be light as a feather, flailing, and at times flippant.  QUA.  You know you can always add things later, as long as you are within a time frame, and it still matters to you, or someone.  I do love anti-idealistic works.  They breathe that breathe of stark depression and harshness often heard in the sound of a whip cracking upon an innocent victim. Image

It is and it cannot be…

Faith must always be predicated on a sense of doubt.  We must question the meaning of life.  But should we answer with a life of meaning?  Well, meaning is arbitrary; created, not innate.  We can use logic to examine human life.  It is good to not be in charge.  It seems the middle class has been struggling and trying to rise for hundreds of years.  Nonextremes and moderate means and mediums seem to slip quietly by, covered with an opaque veil, while outliers make a boom, incite flash and recognition, and therefore make a statement, and earn a result.  Who are you?  We continually need a fresh study of existence.  It is good for assumptions to fall away, and to question traditional meaning.  Philosophy must always fail at grasping the real “self.”  One can use reason to look at nature, but abandon reason, and nature can have a chance to look at you.  Everything is in flux!  One day I may be disillusioned and wealthy, who knows.  Yes, yes, everything is in a state of becoming something else, and chaos is the root of everything.  Order could not have begotten so much nonsense.  Rewind.  Perhaps everything is not in a state of flux, and flux is impossible?  Nonbeing cannot exist.  Hmmmmmmm……..  It is and it cannot be.  Thus is the debate between Heraclites and Parmenides.Image

An Introduction to Active Unraveling

My writing here, is a reflection of a very important and immediate concept that I believe is imperative to understanding the human mind, and humans as a species.  And that is, that we are continuously in the midst of flux.  As things constantly change, and the realization that anything that seems to be a hallmark of or represent constancy is inherently unstable.  Philosophers, historians, writers of all kinds are products of their times and surroundings, and so, produce bodies of work that accurately reflect the relevant environment.  And so too does the writing produced here fall under the same categorical disposition.  Now, the fact that this thought can be fleshed out and articulated, allows one the freedom to accept, deny, or manipulate it in whatever means one sees fit.  And so everything that you will read on this site is simply a tampering and meddling about with the in-your-face immediacy of change.  It is merely play and dance that is a result of the employment of active unraveling.  With this practice, the mind is vigorously and unrestrictedly unscrambled and poured out onto a page, rendering something of an art form born and unborn, alive and dead, resilient and defeated.  It is all-encompassing, it is abrasive, it is boring, it is drivel, it is brilliant, it is ecstatic, it is fresh, it is pure.  This is not to be confused with stream-of-conscious or associative writing, during which the writer transcribes thoughts as they form.  This is much more active in the sense that the environment, the surroundings, and emotions are keenly noted and integrated, thereby engendering a more wholesome and inclusive experience that is unlimited.  Boundaries and rules are created, followed, and broken in an instant.  This is the way life is, and this is what my writing seeks to accomplish.