Tag Archives: Gertrude Stein

Who’s Writing This?


East Coast 007

We only know the story because of who?  How do we know the story?  Well someone would’ve had to have lived the story.  Then someone would’ve had to write or tell the story.  And then someone would’ve had to listen to or read the story.  And then someone would’ve had to remember the story.  So who started it and how come everybody and nobody remembers it?

Who is the single most important person in Western Culture?  Hm…. So many options.  How about…Zappa.  Aha yes.  No maybe not.  Camus? Shakespeare!  Jobe?  Well it can’t be Adam.  Eve!  Gertrude Stein eh eh.  Einstein??  Kafka.  Van Goh~  Well it is such a debatable question that any answer would carry with it the implication of affirmation and we certainly do not want to do that now.  But let’s indulge this nonsense further.  Whoever it is, anything before them would have to be historical, and everything after them, mythical.  Yes that must be.  Abraham!