Tag Archives: Imaginary number

For Aren’t We All But Imaginary Numbers?

East Coast 037

What of the I?  A placeholder.  A non sequitur disguised as that absolute and timeless logician.  Much more than autobiographical.  Perhaps more akin to the i, imaginary number, of mathematics.  For aren’t we all but imaginary numbers?  6.997 billion imaginary numbers trying to live real lives.  O please don’t degrade us to numbers!  We are so much more than that!  Blood, organs, cares, anxieties, fears, hairs, odors, taste buds, desires, feet, eyes, visions, thoughts a million, words, dignity, honor, connectors, dreamers, occupiers of space, owners and protectors of rights, affirmers, deniers, sweat, tears, blinks, tattoos, etc!  So c’mon.  But, let’s not be too idealistic shall we?